The Problem with Having a Personal Relationship with God

Personal Relationship and Individualism Evangelicals emphasize that being a Christian means having a personal relationship with God.  We define conversion to Christianity as “accepting Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior.”  There is nothing wrong with this per se.  There is certainly a sense in which the Christian’s relationship with God is personal.  However, … Read more

Everyone is Intolerant and Exclusive (and That’s a Good Thing)

If there is one thing people seem to agree upon in American society, it is that being inclusive and tolerant are good things, and being exclusive and intolerant are bad things.  Labeling something inclusive and tolerant means that it is positive, healthy, and good, while labeling something as intolerant means that it is beyond the … Read more

Christian Ethics and Judging

“Do not judge,” said Jesus, “or you too will be judged” (Matt 7:1).  For many American Christians, this saying of Jesus encompasses all that needs to be said about judging others in a nutshell.  Instead of ever judging others, we should instead always show them tolerance, understanding, and grace.  Instead of rebuking others for their … Read more

On Judging Others

Is it Wrong to Judge Others? A very common ethical claim made in contemporary American culture is that it is wrong to judge others or to be judgmental.  Instead of judging others, we are told, we should be accepting of people doing whatever they sincerely believe is right.  We should want other people to be … Read more