In Defense of Christian Ethics, Part 2

This entry is part 2 of 4 in the series In Defense of Christian Ethics

In this second part of this series, I will continue to respond to some objections modern Western non-Christians commonly make against Christian ethics. Wastes Resources The Objection: Christianity causes people to waste resources.  Christians waste time, energy, and money on Christian buildings, Christian religious rituals, Christian writings, Christian theological teaching, and Christian evangelism.  In a … Read more

In Defense of Christian Ethics, Part 1

This entry is part 1 of 4 in the series In Defense of Christian Ethics

In this apologetics series, I will respond to some of the common objections made against Christian ethics by modern Western non-Christians.   Distracts from Improving Earthly Life The Objection: Christianity is actually a hindrance to ethical action.  It makes people “so heavenly minded that they are no earthly good.”  It makes people focus on a “pie … Read more

Justification by Faith and Final Judgment According to Works

In a previous post, I addressed a popular interpretation of the Protestant principle of sola scriptura (“Scripture alone”), arguing that Protestants still must acknowledge church tradition to be to some extent authoritative, even if Scripture is their highest theological authority.  In this post, I will address a popular interpretation of the Protestant principle of sola … Read more

The New Testament, the Old Testament, and the Trinity

In my last post, I examined how paying close attention to some key Old Testament citations in the Gospel of Mark can help us better understand the theological teachings of Mark’s Gospel.  In this post, I will examine how paying close attention to how the New Testament uses the Old Testament to talk about Jesus … Read more