The Sin of Sloth and the Significance of Sabbath

This entry is part 4 of 6 in the series The Seven Deadly Sins

Sloth “Sloth” is the name typically given to one of the seven deadly sins.  The name immediately conjures in our mind the image of the very slow moving animal, the sloth.  This name seems to suggest that this sin is all about being lazy.  If we want to escape God’s judgment, then, we had better … Read more

The Sin of Anger and the Virtue of Righteous Indignation

This entry is part 3 of 6 in the series The Seven Deadly Sins

As recent events have shown, American society is full of anger.  Election seasons have been full of angry rants, diatribes, and protests.  Anger over racial injustice and election results have led to angry, violent protests.  Many Americans on either side of the “culture wars” display extreme rage over the fact that anyone disagrees with them … Read more

Greed, American Affluence, and Christian Simplicity

This entry is part 2 of 6 in the series The Seven Deadly Sins

I would venture to say that greed has become the most socially accepted sin among modern Western Christians.  American Christians committed to the Authority of Scripture spend a lot of time pointing out how American culture (and theologically liberal Christians) teaches a radically different sexual ethic than biblical sexual ethics, but spend relatively little time … Read more

Pride, “Self-Esteem”, and Christian Humility

This entry is part 1 of 6 in the series The Seven Deadly Sins

Pride and Self-Esteem When I was in grade school, we sang a song in music class with the lyrics, “I am proud of who I am, proud of what I am, proud of where I’m going, proud of what I’m doing.  My life is my life; I have the power to be.”  The purpose of … Read more