On Collective Responsibility and Guilt

Many modern Western Christians are highly resistant to the idea that there could be such a thing as collective or communal moral responsibility or guilt.  How can I, many ask, be morally responsible for something that someone else has done?  Such an attitude stems from the  individualism of modern Western culture, which deeply affects us … Read more

The Ethical Implications of Globalism

One of the most significant developments of the modern era has been globalization.  Globalization refers to the worldwide process of interaction and integration of governments, nations, people, and companies.  This process has economic, political, social, and cultural aspects.  Though there were some hints of globalization in the pre-modern world, the creation of new communication and … Read more

Christian Ethics and Economic Justice

In recent years, increasing numbers of Christians have stressed the idea of the liberation of the poor and the marginalized as central to the Christian faith.  They have rejected an old, otherworldly theology that focused only on “saving souls” rather than on doing anything to improve this world in the here and now.  Instead, they … Read more

Christian Ethics and Environmentalism

Environmentalism means being concerned about the natural world and taking action aimed at protecting it.  Human actions have always had some level of impact on the nonhuman world.  However, in the modern period, human population and human industry have increased exponentially, causing an exponential increase in human beings’ impact on the natural world.  Driven by … Read more