The Reasonableness of Belief in Miracles

This entry is part 3 of 3 in the series Miracles: Evidence for the Supernatural

In the first part of this series, I argued that there is no good reason to believe that miracles are impossible.  In the second part, I presented a brief synopsis of the evidence that miracles happen.  In this post, I will respond to some of the common objections to accepting eyewitness testimony to miracles. Hume … Read more

The Evidence for Miracles

This entry is part 2 of 3 in the series Miracles: Evidence for the Supernatural

In the first part of this series, I argued that there is no good reason to believe that miracles are impossible.  If it is possible that God and/or other supernatural beings exist, then it must be at least possible that these supernatural beings sometimes cause miraculous events.  But do they?  Do we have any good … Read more

The Possibility of Miracles

This entry is part 1 of 3 in the series Miracles: Evidence for the Supernatural

In one of my very first posts on this blog, I made The Historical Case for the Resurrection of Jesus.  There, I noted that unless one already believes that miracles can and do happen, one is unlikely to find the historical evidence for Jesus’s resurrection convincing, and I briefly pointed to some of the evidence … Read more

Top Ten Quotes on Christian Ethics

Theological Ethics “A properly Christian ethic cannot hold to the notion of a general ethics and remain Christian.  To advocate this is to demand that Christians who are subject to the Word of God share that allegiance with something which is autonomous from God’s Word.  For Christians to resort to an autonomous general ethics, as … Read more

Teaching True Doctrine is a Moral Responsibility

This entry is part 5 of 6 in the series Ethics and Spiritual Practices

Doctrine and Ethics Which is more important: right belief or right action?  We have all heard this question asked countless times.  Usually, this question is asked by people who then confidently answer that right action is obviously more important; therefore, right belief, right theology, does not matter.  After all, people can have true beliefs while … Read more