Why the Apocrypha is Not Scripture

This entry is part 1 of 6 in the series Catholic or Protestant?

In this series, I will explore some of the key differences between the Protestant and Catholic traditions and explain why, in most of these cases, I believe the Protestant position to be correct.  In a previous post, I have already made the case for why the Protestant idea that Scripture alone is our highest Authority … Read more

The Significance of the Book of Revelation

Apocalyptic Genre Two books of the Bible are of the literary genre known as apocalyptic literature.  In the Old Testament, there is the book of Daniel.  In the New Testament, there is the book of Revelation.  Of the various literary genres found in Scripture, apocalyptic is one of the least well understood and most frequently … Read more

Should Christians Pray All the Psalms Today?

The Psalms occupy a unique place in the canon of Scripture.  Most of the writings that make up the Scriptures consist of God’s prophetic words to us, or narratives about God’s dealings with human beings in salvation history.  The book of Psalms, on the other hand, is a collection of human prayers addressed to God.  … Read more

The Enduring Moral Authority of the Torah for Christians Today

Theonomy or Dismissal? What does the Old Testament Law have to tell Christians about how they should live today?  Christians have given a wide variety of answers to this question.   On one end of the spectrum there are theonomists, who believe that the Old Testament Law should be the model for the laws of civil … Read more