God’s Omnipresence, Eternality, and Omniscience

This entry is part 2 of 4 in the series God

Omnipresence Christians believe that God is an omnipresent Spirit. He is not a physical body, and is not confined by the category of space. Instead, His Being is immaterial, and exists everywhere.  How, skeptics ask, can Christians reasonably believe in such an invisible God? And even if this immaterial God exists, how can an immaterial … Read more

The Concept of God: The Coherence of Omnipotence

This entry is part 1 of 4 in the series God

According to classical theism, God, the Creator of the universe, is the Supremely Perfect Being. This Supremely Perfect Being is simple (not composed of parts), eternal (has always existed and always will exist), omnipotent (unlimited in power), omniscient (knows everything), omnipresent (not spatially limited), perfectly wise, and perfectly Good. According to orthodox Christian Trinitarian theology, … Read more

The Harmony Between Christianity and Science

Anti-Christian skeptics frequently make claims that belief in the supernatural, and Christianity specifically, is fundamentally contrary to science. In this previous post, I have responded to some of these claims, pointing out that the methodological naturalism of science in no way necessitates metaphysical naturalism, the belief that nothing supernatural exists. In this post, I will … Read more

Religious Pluralism, Religious Skepticism, and the Reasonableness of Religious Beliefs

We live in a religiously pluralistic world. Taking into account all human cultures and societies around the world, there are thousands of mutually exclusive religious worldviews and belief systems. Furthermore, most people hold to the religious or metaphysical beliefs which they believe because of how they were raised and the influence of their particular surrounding … Read more