Should Infants Be Baptized?

For centuries, the validity of infant baptism has been a hotly contested theological issue within the Church. Today, Roman Catholics, Eastern Orthodox, Lutherans, Anglicans, and various other Christian traditions practice infant baptism. However, Anabaptists, Baptists, and various other Protestant groups reject the practice, arguing that only those who are old enough to make a decision … Read more

Christianity and Anarchism

Anarchism is a political philosophy and movement that is opposed to the coercive authority of governments and nation states.  Anarchists believe that replacing the coercive power of governments with free, voluntary associations will lead to greater human flourishing. There is much diversity among anarchists, and many different types of anarchism. But they are all united … Read more

The Theology of Supernatural

The hit television series Supernatural follows the exploits of brothers Sam and Dean Winchester as they hunt monsters, ghosts, demons, and other supernatural threats. As the show progresses, the stakes become higher and higher, as the Winchesters tangle with angels, Death, and, eventually, God Himself. After watching all 15 seasons of the series, I thought … Read more

On Annihilationism

This entry is part 6 of 6 in the series Salvation and Damnation

In the traditional view of Hell, Hell is a place of eternal conscious torment (ECT), in which the damned will continue to exist forever in a state of suffering.  Recently, an alternative view of Hell, known as annihilationism, has become increasingly popular.  According to annihilationism, the damned will be annihilated and completely cease to exist.  … Read more

The Salvation of Deceased Infants

This entry is part 5 of 6 in the series Salvation and Damnation

According to Christian theology, the only way for a human being to be saved is for them to repent of their sins, believe in Jesus, and choose to follow Him as His disciple.  It is difficult to know how to apply this theological idea to infants.  Infants do not have any beliefs, nor are they … Read more

The Fate of the Unevangelized

This entry is part 4 of 6 in the series Salvation and Damnation

“Whoever has the Son has life; whoever does not have the Son of God does not have life” (1 John 5:12).  Salvation comes through Christ alone.  Human religions are not paths to God and salvation, nor can their adherents be saved and be in Christ without explicitly putting faith in Jesus.  The only way for … Read more

Can There Be “Anonymous Christians”?

This entry is part 3 of 6 in the series Salvation and Damnation

According to the Christian Gospel, God is at work through Jesus (and, by extension, His body, the Church) to reconcile all things to Himself.  Scripture makes it very clear that salvation for the world, and for each individual, comes through Christ alone (John 14:6, Acts 4:12).  Thus, while other world religions may contain some true … Read more

On Universalism

This entry is part 2 of 6 in the series Salvation and Damnation

Universalism is the belief that every single human being will be saved and will experience eternal life.  Some universalists believe that religions other than Christianity are alternative paths to God, and that people do not need to believe in Jesus in order to be saved.  This form of universalism is a heretical denial of the … Read more

The Christian Gospel and World Religions

This entry is part 1 of 6 in the series Salvation and Damnation

Modern Christians live in a religiously pluralistic world.  The modern establishment of legal freedom of religion has allowed non-Christian religions to grow and thrive in Western societies.  Furthermore, globalism has made our world more interconnected than ever, such that interactions between our society and societies dominated by non-Christian religions are unavoidable.  In a way that … Read more