The Church as Political Community

Most American Christians find their political and national identity in the nation of the United States of America.  They then find their religious identity in being a Christian.  From this perspective, the Christian Church is a religious institution or community.  It is there to help facilitate people’s religious or spiritual experiences and to provide for … Read more

My Best Blog Posts

Miracles: Evidence for the Supernatural (3-part series) The Historical Case for the Resurrection of Jesus The Problem of Evil (4-part series) Foundations (5-part series) Participating in the Story of Scripture The Story of the Gospel and the Story of My Life Foundations of Christian Ethics (3-part series) Religion, Violence, and the State The Politics of … Read more

Christianity and Anarchism

Anarchism is a political philosophy and movement that is opposed to the coercive authority of governments and nation states.  Anarchists believe that replacing the coercive power of governments with free, voluntary associations will lead to greater human flourishing. There is much diversity among anarchists, and many different types of anarchism. But they are all united … Read more

The Problem with Progressive Christianity, Part 2

This entry is part 2 of 2 in the series The Problem with Progressive Christianity

The Ethical Consequences of Progressive Christianity It is no secret that progressive Christianity’s abandonment of historic Christian orthodoxy is often motivated by a desire to be free of the constraints of traditional Christian sexual ethics.  While the Church has always believed that human sexuality should be expressed either through celibacy or through a lifelong covenant … Read more

On Papal Supremacy and Infallibility

This entry is part 3 of 6 in the series Catholic or Protestant?

According to the Catholic Church, the pope, the bishop of Rome, is the supreme head of the entire Church, having authority over every bishop and every Christian.  Further, in 1870, the First Vatican Council of the Roman Catholic Church officially declared the dogma of papal infallibility: when the pope speaks ex cathedra (officially as the … Read more

Christian Ethics and Immigration

One of the most controversial political issues in American society in recent years has been the issue of immigration: what kind of immigration laws the United States should have and how we should deal with illegal immigrants.  Many Christians have publically weighed in on this issue, offering a variety of perspectives and positions about what … Read more

Love is Not Love: The Uniqueness of the Christian Virtue of Love

This entry is part 6 of 7 in the series The Seven Virtues

Christian Love Love is a theological virtue.  This means that only Christians are capable of love.  To some, this may seem like a bizarre statement.  Our culture is filled with affirmations of the value and importance of “love.”  In fact, appeals to “love” often have a prominent place in anti-Christian discourse in our culture.   It … Read more

Christian Ethics and Homosexuality: The Teachings of Jesus

This entry is part 3 of 5 in the series Christian Ethics and Homosexuality

It is very common for Christians who believe that the Church should approve of homosexual behavior to point to the teachings and example of Jesus in support of their position.  Jesus, they argue, never said anything about homosexuality being wrong.  Therefore, the Church should not condemn it.  Furthermore, Jesus did not condemn tax collectors, prostitutes, … Read more

Worship, Sacraments, and Social Distancing

During this period of the COVID-19 pandemic, governments have enforced orders of “social distancing,” requiring people to stay home and only to interact with others if absolutely necessary, in order to help prevent the spread of the virus.  As a result, many businesses and organizations have been required to close, or at least to stop … Read more

The Problem of Christian Immorality

One of the most common arguments made against Christianity is the argument from Christian immorality: the frequent failure of Christians to live according to their own moral teachings makes it hard to believe that Christianity is true. Throughout history, and down to the present day, many Christians have lived in ways that are seriously incompatible … Read more