Did the Earliest Christians Believe Jesus Was God?

According to historic Christian orthodoxy, Jesus is God Incarnate, fully God and fully human. But is this what the earliest Christians believed? Skeptics often argue that it was not. The skeptical narrative runs something like this: the earliest Christians had a low Christology, believing Jesus to be just a man. Then, Christians started making grander … Read more

Was Jesus a False Prophet?

Jesus told His disciples, “Some who are standing here will not taste death before they see that the kingdom of God has come with power” (Matt 16:28; Mark 9:1; Luke 9:27). He declared that people would “see the Son of Man [a reference to Himself] coming in clouds with great power and glory” (Mark 13:26, … Read more

Are the Gospels Historically Reliable?

Historical Jesus scholarship is a massive and complex field, which means that answering the question, “Are the Gospels historically reliable?” is not a simple task. Fully answering this question would require analyzing each part of each Gospel, and assessing whether it is an authentic saying or deed of Jesus. Engaging in this monumental task would … Read more

The Historical Case for the Resurrection of Jesus, Revisited

In one of the very first posts on this blog, I presented a summary of the historical case for the resurrection of Jesus. In this post, I revisit this topic, addressing a few additional issues I did not address in my original post.  Historical Skepticism One approach sometimes used by skeptics to reject the reality … Read more

Did New Testament Authors Misuse the Old Testament?

The idea that Jesus is the fulfillment of God’s promises to His covenant people Israel is central and foundational to the message of the New Testament. The New Testament is filled with citations and allusions to Old Testament Scriptures, seeking to show that Jesus is the Messiah, the hope of Israel who brings Old Testament … Read more

The Harmony of the Resurrection Narratives

Skeptics have often argued that the resurrection narratives of the four Gospels are hopelessly contradictory, and that this sheds doubt on the reality of Jesus’s resurrection. Now, it is certainly true that we have four very different resurrection narratives in the Gospels (this provides good evidence that these are independent eyewitness accounts, rather than a … Read more

Alleged Biblical Contradictions, Part 2

In the book of Ephesians, Paul quotes Psalm 68:18 as saying, “When He ascended on high, He took captives, and gave gifts to His people” (Eph 4:8). However, the original Hebrew of Psalm 68:18 reads, “You ascended on high, leading a host of captives in your train and receiving gifts among men.” This seems to … Read more

Alleged Biblical Contradictions, Part 1

The Bible is a large and complex book. It is a collection of sixty six different books written by dozens of different authors over the course of centuries. Yet Christians believe that, as the word of God, the Bible is ultimately one coherent whole, the foundational guide for the Church’s faith and practice. Antichristian skeptics, … Read more

The Plausibility of the Prophetic History

Israelite History and Idolatry The plausibility of the prophetic history recorded in the Old Testament, in which Israel repeatedly turned to worship foreign gods in spite of the many miracles God performed for them, has often been called into question by skeptics. Let’s begin with the golden calf incident recorded in Exodus 32. God has … Read more

The Ancient Superstitions of the Bible

There are many references in the Bible to ancient pagan superstitious practices such as divination, witchcraft, and necromancy. In the book of Deuteronomy, God commands the Israelites, “Let no one be found among you. . . who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or … Read more