Foundations of Christian Ethics: New Creation

This entry is part 1 of 3 in the series Foundations of Christian Ethics

A year ago, I made the case for the importance of theological ethics.  If Christians want to live faithfully, we cannot uncritically absorb the ethical ideas of our surrounding culture.  Nor can we rely on our intuitions and feelings, since these often lead us astray.  Nor can we simply look in the Bible for proof … Read more

Foundations of Christian Ethics: The Cross

This entry is part 2 of 3 in the series Foundations of Christian Ethics

For many Christians, the significance of the cross of Jesus Christ is that Jesus suffered, so we do not have to suffer.  Jesus died, so we do not have to worry about dying.  Jesus paid the penalty of our sins, so we do not have to worry about repenting from sin and making painful sacrifices … Read more

Foundations of Christian Ethics: The Church Community

This entry is part 3 of 3 in the series Foundations of Christian Ethics

Most modern Western people tend to think of ethics in a very individualistic manner.  They consider the primary ethical question to be, “What should I do?”  The same can be said of most modern Western Christians.  They consider the primary ethical question to be, “What does God want me to do?”  The Church may be … Read more