There is No Universal Morality, Revisited

Previously on this blog, I made the case that there is no universal morality; there are only a variety of particular moralities. Furthermore, I made the case that any claim to objective moral truth must logically be based in some kind of transcendent reality. Thus, while Buddhist morality, Hindu morality, and Christian morality may be … Read more

The Christian Response to Persecution

As American society transitions to being a post-Christian culture, it is inevitable that Christians will experience increasing levels of persecution. America has never been a Christian nation. However, as American values drift even further away from Christian values, and as explicit rejection of Christian faith increases, the fact that America is not a Christian nation … Read more

Christian Ethics and Indirect Participation in Sin

Christians are called to be in the world but not of the world (John 17:14-15). Although our citizenship has been transferred from the kingdoms of this world to being citizens of heaven, we still live within the kingdoms of this world. Although we have been sanctified and set apart from the world for God’s use, … Read more

Proclaiming the Gospel in the Age of Show Business

Over thirty years ago, educator Neil Postman warned of the detrimental effects of television on society in his insightful book, Amusing Ourselves to Death: Public Discourse in the Age of Show Business.[1]Neil Postman, Amusing Ourselves to Death: Public Discourse in the Age of Show Business (Viking Penguin, 1985). Postman convincingly argued that the medium of … Read more

Proclaiming the Gospel in a Post-Christian Society

The earliest Christians were sent out to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ in a pre-Christian society. Their message about the crucified and resurrected Messiah of Israel being Lord and Savior of the whole world was entirely novel and strange in the ears of the pagan Roman society they were trying to convert. Because their … Read more

Christianity and Anarchism

Anarchism is a political philosophy and movement that is opposed to the coercive authority of governments and nation states.  Anarchists believe that replacing the coercive power of governments with free, voluntary associations will lead to greater human flourishing. There is much diversity among anarchists, and many different types of anarchism. But they are all united … Read more

The Importance of Integrity

In addition to the seven main classical virtues of the Christian tradition, there is at least one other Christian virtue that is vitally important for Christians to develop: integrity.  Integrity means being honest, being consistent, being true to one’s convictions, and being true to who you are.  For Christians, of course, “being true to who … Read more

The Ethics of Church Discipline

Church Discipline and Individualism Along with the preaching of God’s word and the administration of the sacraments, church discipline is one of the three marks of the church.  Without it, there cannot be a genuine community of Christian disciples.  Both Jesus (Matt 15:18-20) and the apostle Paul (I Cor 5:1-13, 2 Thess 3:6-14) clearly teach … Read more

We Should Not Always Do What Jesus Would Do

WWJD? What Would Jesus Do?  This phrase, often abbreviated as WWJD, was extremely popular in Christian circles back in the 90s, when WWJD bracelets could be seen on the wrists of many young Christians.  Though the use of WWJD has declined greatly since then, it is still quite recognizable as a popular Christian phrase today. … Read more

Do Humans Have Souls?

Traditionally, Christians have believed that human beings are composed of two parts: a material body and an immaterial soul.  This is what is known as a dualist understanding of human nature.  Recently, however, an increasing number of Christians have claimed that human beings are not composed of two distinct parts, but are made up of … Read more