Science and the Primeval Human History of Genesis

Human Origins According to scientific theories widely accepted today, the human species evolved from pre-human ancestors hundreds of thousands of years ago, through a process of evolution involving much pain and death. This contradicts what many Christians believe to be the teaching of the book of Genesis: that God directly created an original human pair … Read more

Science and the Biblical Creation Account

The Coherence of the Biblical Creation Account(s) It is sometimes argued that the Bible contains different creation accounts which contradict one another. The Psalms and the prophets sometimes speak of God establishing order by defeating a mythological chaos monster, Rahab or Leviathan (Job 26:7-13; Ps 74:12-17, 89:10-13; Isa 51:9-10); this resembles creation stories of other … Read more

Religious Experience, Religious Knowledge, and Psychological Explanations for Belief

Religious Experience Many Christians believe Christianity is true largely on the basis of their own religious experiences. If a Christian has a powerful, direct experience of God, then this provides good reason for them to believe that the Christian God is real, even in the absence of historical and philosophical reasons for believing in God. … Read more

On Young-Earth Creationism

The Bible and the Age of the Earth All Christians believe that God is the Creator of the world.  In this sense, all Christians are creationists.  But in the modern period, the term “creationism” has come to refer to a rejection of the scientific theory of evolution in favor of a belief that God directly … Read more