The Coherence of the Doctrine of the Incarnation

Jesus: Human and Divine Christians believe that Jesus Christ is God Incarnate. In Jesus, God became one of us, a human being. Jesus is a Divine Person who has taken upon Himself our human nature, such that His Divine nature and His human nature are united in one Person. As classically expressed by the ancient … Read more

We Should Not Always Do What Jesus Would Do

WWJD? What Would Jesus Do?  This phrase, often abbreviated as WWJD, was extremely popular in Christian circles back in the 90s, when WWJD bracelets could be seen on the wrists of many young Christians.  Though the use of WWJD has declined greatly since then, it is still quite recognizable as a popular Christian phrase today. … Read more

The Problem of Evil: The Cross

This entry is part 2 of 4 in the series The Problem of Evil

Does God love us?  Does God care about us?  Where is God?  Has He abandoned us?  Why doesn’t He do something to help us?  These are questions that believers in God who experience deep suffering have been asking for centuries.  For example, the biblical book of Psalms contains many psalms written by ancient Israelites that … Read more