My Best Blog Posts

Miracles: Evidence for the Supernatural (3-part series) The Historical Case for the Resurrection of Jesus The Problem of Evil (4-part series) Foundations (5-part series) Participating in the Story of Scripture The Story of the Gospel and the Story of My Life Foundations of Christian Ethics (3-part series) Religion, Violence, and the State The Politics of … Read more

The Existence of God: The Arguments from Consciousness and Reason

Proving God’s Existence In this final series in my year of apologetics posts on this blog, I will make some philosophical arguments for God’s existence. I have deliberately saved this topic for last, in order to avoid giving the impression that one must first become convinced by philosophical arguments that the god of the philosophers … Read more

Diversity is Rarely a Good Thing

One of the most commonly used buzzwords in our society today is the term “diversity.”  Almost everyone seems to agree that diversity, whether gender, racial, religious, or otherwise, is a good and important thing.  Efforts to promote and celebrate diversity have become widespread throughout our culture.  Governments, businesses, and other organizations have created diversity task … Read more

The Destructive Intolerance of Postmodern Relativism

According to the modernist view of truth, there is a set of indubitable truths universally accessible by the reason of any human being which can provide the foundation for certain knowledge.  Upon this foundation, we can then build our other beliefs, secure in the knowledge that our beliefs are certain and reasonable.  In this way, … Read more

Faith and Reason

Many people consider faith and reason to be opposites.  Reason is an objective tool that allows us to arrive at the truth with certainty, while faith is something irrational and arbitrary.  Any belief based on faith, then, should be dismissed, and only beliefs based on pure reason should be taken seriously.   This understanding of the … Read more

Virtue Ethics and Psychological Disorder

Previously on this blog, I have made the case for the importance of virtue ethics.  I have argued that it is inadequate to think of ethics solely in terms of following a list of rules, or solely in terms of “the ends justify the means.”  Rather, we must think of ethics in terms of developing … Read more

The Ethical Implications of Globalism

One of the most significant developments of the modern era has been globalization.  Globalization refers to the worldwide process of interaction and integration of governments, nations, people, and companies.  This process has economic, political, social, and cultural aspects.  Though there were some hints of globalization in the pre-modern world, the creation of new communication and … Read more

The Importance of Virtue Ethics

Different Ethical Theories In one of my very first posts on this blog, Understanding Ethical Disagreements, I examined how most major ethical disagreements in contemporary American society are a result of people ascribing to two different ethical theories, namely, virtue ethics and utilitarianism.  In that post, my sole purpose was to try to help people … Read more

On Personal Identity

There are many ways in which a person may define their personal identity.  In many cultures which stress the importance of the community over the individual, people often define their identity first in terms of the family they belong to or their family relationships.  Or they might define identity first in terms of the national … Read more

How Different Moralities Interact

Previously, I made the case that there is no universal morality; there are only a variety of particular moralities.  Furthermore, I argued that any claim to objective moral truth must logically be based in some kind of transcendent reality.  Here, I will flesh out these ideas a bit further, analyzing how different moralities interact as … Read more