Top Ten Quotes on Christian Nonviolence

The Gospel and Nonviolence “When people with power see things happen of which they disapprove, they drop bombs and send in tanks.  When people without power see things of which they disapprove, they smash store windows, blow themselves up in crowded places, and fly planes into buildings.  The fact that both methods have proved remarkably … Read more

Top Ten Quotes on Christian Ethics

Theological Ethics “A properly Christian ethic cannot hold to the notion of a general ethics and remain Christian.  To advocate this is to demand that Christians who are subject to the Word of God share that allegiance with something which is autonomous from God’s Word.  For Christians to resort to an autonomous general ethics, as … Read more

Top Ten Quotes on Church and Society

The Church “The church is herself a society.  Her very existence, the fraternal relations of her members, their way of dealing with their differences and their needs are, or rather should be, a demonstration of what love means in social relations.  This demonstration cannot be imposed directly into non-Christian society, for in the church it … Read more