Can There Be “Anonymous Christians”?

This entry is part 3 of 6 in the series Salvation and Damnation

According to the Christian Gospel, God is at work through Jesus (and, by extension, His body, the Church) to reconcile all things to Himself.  Scripture makes it very clear that salvation for the world, and for each individual, comes through Christ alone (John 14:6, Acts 4:12).  Thus, while other world religions may contain some true … Read more

The Christian Gospel and World Religions

This entry is part 1 of 6 in the series Salvation and Damnation

Modern Christians live in a religiously pluralistic world.  The modern establishment of legal freedom of religion has allowed non-Christian religions to grow and thrive in Western societies.  Furthermore, globalism has made our world more interconnected than ever, such that interactions between our society and societies dominated by non-Christian religions are unavoidable.  In a way that … Read more

Religion, Politics, and Separation of Church and State

In contemporary political debates, a phrase that frequently appears is the “separation of church and state.”  Most often, people appeal to this phrase in an attempt to argue against certain religiously-grounded beliefs from having an influence on government policy.  Since this has significant implications for some of the most important and controversial political issues of … Read more

Religious Pluralism: Genuine and Fake

America and Religious Pluralism The United States of America prides itself on being a religiously pluralistic society, both culturally and politically.  Unlike many societies, there is no established state religion, and the U.S. Constitution legally guarantees people freedom of religion.  This is supposed to guarantee a culture of religious pluralism, in which people adhering to … Read more

Religion, Violence, and the State

Two Contrasts The highly successful television series 24, which aired from 2001 to 2010, follows the exploits of Counter Terrorist Unit agent Jack Bauer, as he repeatedly races against the clock to prevent major terrorist attacks against the United States of America that will occur within the next 24 hours.  In addition to killing hundreds … Read more