The Visibility of the Church

According to the New Testament, the church is God’s holy covenant people.  It is the family of God.  It is the community of Jesus’s disciples.  It is the body of Christ.  It is the redeemed and renewed humanity, the firstfruits of God’s new creation.   When we look at the church as it exists today and … Read more

On Collective Responsibility and Guilt

Many modern Western Christians are highly resistant to the idea that there could be such a thing as collective or communal moral responsibility or guilt.  How can I, many ask, be morally responsible for something that someone else has done?  Such an attitude stems from the  individualism of modern Western culture, which deeply affects us … Read more

Foundations of Christian Ethics: The Church Community

This entry is part 3 of 3 in the series Foundations of Christian Ethics

Most modern Western people tend to think of ethics in a very individualistic manner.  They consider the primary ethical question to be, “What should I do?”  The same can be said of most modern Western Christians.  They consider the primary ethical question to be, “What does God want me to do?”  The Church may be … Read more

The Importance of Church Discipline

Discipline in the Christian Community The church is the community of Jesus’s disciples.  Every community is a group of people who gather around a set of shared values and/or goals.  The values and goals of the church are proclaiming the gospel, being conformed to the image of Christ, and advancing God’s Kingdom.  At the practical … Read more