Participating in the Story of Scripture

The Bible as Scripture What is the Bible?  The Christian answer is that it is the word of God.  Yet at the same time, the church has always recognized that the Bible is also a fully human book.  In fact, it is not a single book, but a collection of dozens of books written by … Read more

The Importance of Theological Ethics

The Necessity of Theological Ethics Theological ethics is the branch of Christian theology that engages in a reasoned analysis of ethical issues from the standpoint of Christian theology. Many Christians might question whether it is necessary to engage in such a task. Some would argue that our conscience and our intuitions are sufficient to tell … Read more

Top Ten Theology Quotes

The Fall “To us things are normal when they are going well.  Health, affluence, peace—these are normal, so convinced we are of our own righteousness, of what is our due.  But Scripture teaches the very opposite. Unfortunately, what is normal now that man is separated from God is war and murder, famine and pollution, accident … Read more