Prayer is a Moral Responsibility

This entry is part 1 of 6 in the series Ethics and Spiritual Practices

Most people would not consider prayer to be a moral or ethical responsibility.  In fact, whenever there is a tragedy, and Christians say they are praying about it, there is inevitably an angry backlash of people telling them not to pray but to do something! (By which they mean increase the power of the nation … Read more

Christian Ethics and Transgenderism

Transgenderism is the phenomenon of people choosing to identify as a gender other than their biological sex.  Various controversies about how to respond to this phenomenon have caused transgenderism to become a hot button political, social, and moral issue in contemporary American culture.  For example, if a person identifies as transgender, should they be allowed … Read more

Christian Ethics and Gender Roles

The issue of gender roles has become a hot button issue in contemporary American Christainity.  “Egalitarians” argue that there should be essentially no distinction of roles between men and women, while “complementarians” argue that the roles of men and women should differ in certain contexts.  This controversy about gender roles centers around two distinct issues: … Read more

Christian Ethics and Divorce

According to traditional Christian teaching, divorce is an evil which can be justified, if at all, only in rare circumstances, such as when one’s spouse is guilty of adultery.  There was a time in our civilization when this Christian teaching about divorce was dominant.  Marriage was understood to be a lifelong commitment, and divorce was … Read more

Christian Ethics and Government Welfare

One of the most significant political and social developments of the last century in America has been the enormous expansion of government aid provided to the poor and needy.  Early on in American history, the federal government for the most part restricted its role to what the Constitution explicitly said it could do.  However, beginning … Read more

On Collective Responsibility and Guilt

Many modern Western Christians are highly resistant to the idea that there could be such a thing as collective or communal moral responsibility or guilt.  How can I, many ask, be morally responsible for something that someone else has done?  Such an attitude stems from the  individualism of modern Western culture, which deeply affects us … Read more

Christian Ethics and Economic Justice

In recent years, increasing numbers of Christians have stressed the idea of the liberation of the poor and the marginalized as central to the Christian faith.  They have rejected an old, otherworldly theology that focused only on “saving souls” rather than on doing anything to improve this world in the here and now.  Instead, they … Read more

Christian Ethics and Environmentalism

Environmentalism means being concerned about the natural world and taking action aimed at protecting it.  Human actions have always had some level of impact on the nonhuman world.  However, in the modern period, human population and human industry have increased exponentially, causing an exponential increase in human beings’ impact on the natural world.  Driven by … Read more

Christian Ethics and Immigration

One of the most controversial political issues in American society in recent years has been the issue of immigration: what kind of immigration laws the United States should have and how we should deal with illegal immigrants.  Many Christians have publically weighed in on this issue, offering a variety of perspectives and positions about what … Read more

Christian Ethics and Racism

The vast majority of Christians (and nonChristians) today would agree that racism is immoral.  So, to some, there might seem to be little point in making a theological case for the immorality of racism.  However, as much as we might like to think otherwise, there are some Christians today who hold racist attitudes.  Additionally, the … Read more