Scripture and Tradition: The Case for Protestant Theological Methodology

This entry is part 5 of 5 in the series Foundations

Theological Method Before beginning an investigation of a particular subject, it is important to establish a clear and consistent method for determining what is true as it relates to that subject.  This is true regarding the subject of theology, just as much as it is with other subjects, such as science and history.  A person … Read more

Protestants and the Authority of Church Tradition

One of the major principles of Protestantism is sola scriptura, that is, “Scripture alone.”[1]The other two Protestant solas are sola fide (“faith alone”) and sola gratia (“grace alone”).  Many Protestants take this to mean that we can safely ignore and discard all church tradition.  After all, if Scripture “alone” is our theological authority, then doesn’t … Read more

Reason and the Authority of Tradition

It is common for post-Enlightenment modern Westerners to portray reason and tradition as two opposing forces, with the essence of reason being a repudiation of tradition in favor of thinking for oneself.  If someone believes something on the basis of the teaching of tradition, then, they are being unreasonable.  But is this really the correct … Read more